
Empower your business with sustainable practices,
 carbon reduction strategies & waste management expertise

Our mission

Audit. Mitigate. Improve.

Welcome to CarbonEntropy, a leading environmental consultancy dedicated to helping businesses understand and mitigate their impact on the environment

Embrace sustainability and create a better future


Our services

Achieve net-zero. Aim for carbon-negative.

CarbonEntropy offers comprehensive services, including carbon emission calculators, waste management consultancy, and green consultancy, tailored to suit your organization's needs

Carbon Reduction Strategies

Measure your organization's direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and develop targeted action plans to reduce your carbon footprint. Achieve long-term cost savings and contribute to climate change mitigation efforts

Reduce now 

Waste Management Consultancy

Our waste management consultancy services offer customized solutions for businesses to optimize their waste handling processes. By implementing best practices for waste reduction, recycling, and disposal, companies can minimize their environmental impact and reduce operating costs, while complying with regulations and demonstrating their commitment to sustainability

Green Consultancy and ESG Integration

Our green consultancy services support businesses in integrating Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance principles into their operations. This holistic approach to sustainability not only minimizes the environmental footprint but also addresses social and governance aspects, leading to improved brand reputation, investor appeal, and long-term business success

Circular Economy and Combating Greenwashing

CarbonEntropy promotes the transition to a circular economy, where resources are used efficiently and reintroduced into the production cycle, reducing overall entropy. By providing transparent, science-based solutions, we help businesses avoid greenwashing and demonstrate genuine commitment to environmental sustainability

Stay in the loop

Start your journey towards a sustainable future with

Comprehensive Solutions for any Organization

Carbon Footprint Assessment

Accurately measure your organization's direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions with our state-of-the-art carbon emission calculators. Identify sources of emissions and gain insights into your overall environmental impact.

Emission Reduction Planning

Collaborate with our experts to develop targeted action plans and strategies for reducing your carbon footprint. This includes energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy adoption, transportation optimization, and supply chain management.

Carbon Offset Projects

Collaborate with our experts to develop targeted action plans and strategies for reducing your carbon footprint. This includes energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy adoption, transportation optimization, and supply chain management.

Carbon Reporting and Compliance

Enhance transparency and meet regulatory requirements by tracking, reporting, and managing your greenhouse gas emissions. We'll guide you through national and international reporting frameworks, such as GHG Protocol and ISO 14064.

Waste Audit and Analysis

Assess your organization's waste generation, disposal practices, and management systems with our comprehensive waste audit. Identify areas for improvement and establish benchmarks for tracking progress.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Strategies

Develop tailored waste reduction and recycling programs, incorporating waste segregation, efficient collection, and recycling techniques. Minimize waste sent to landfills, reduce environmental impact, and achieve cost savings.

Circular Economy Integration

Transition towards a circular economy model by designing waste management systems that prioritize resource recovery, reuse, and recycling. Promote sustainable product design, waste-to-energy solutions, and closed-loop processes.

Waste Management Training & Education

Equip your employees with the knowledge and skills required to implement and maintain effective waste management practices. Our customized training programs cover waste reduction, recycling, and environmental compliance.

ESG Assessment

Evaluate your organization's performance across key ESG dimensions, including environmental impact, social responsibility, and corporate governance. Identify areas for improvement and align with global sustainability standards.

Sustainable Business Strategy Development

Collaborate with our experts to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy that integrates ESG principles into your core business operations. Foster a culture of environmental responsibility, improve brand reputation, and enhance investor appeal.

ESG Reporting and Disclosure

Communicate your organization's sustainability performance and progress to stakeholders through transparent ESG reporting. Follow established reporting frameworks, such as GRI, SASB, or TCFD, to ensure consistency and comparability.

Climate Risk and Resilience Planning

Assess climate-related risks and opportunities for your organization and develop strategies to enhance resilience. Protect your business from the physical and transitional impacts of climate change, while seizing new market opportunities.

Any questions?

Schedule a call with one of our experts.
We look forward to working with you.

About us

DALL·E - "Green futuristic city", digital art, 2023

Our Vision

To lead the way in environmental consulting and inspire businesses around the world to embrace sustainability and protect our planet for generations to come

Our Story

We are dedicated to providing innovative solutions that empower organizations to reduce environmental entropyminimize carbon emissions, and adopt responsible practices. CarbonEntropy was founded on the belief that businesses have a critical role to play in protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.

Our Team

Our team of experienced professionals brings together diverse expertise in sustainability, waste management, and environmental consulting. We are passionate about supporting businesses on their journey towards a greener, more responsible future

Contact us

Get in touch with our team of experts to discuss your organization's sustainability goals and discover how CarbonEntropy can help you achieve them

Request a consultation or ask any questions you may have about our services


One Office Building, Bucharest, Romania

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